Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Drum Roll Please....

Last week we found out for sure what we are having. I say this because two weeks prior to that my doc told me he was 100% sure of one and 95% sure of the other. I told family and close friends, bought bedding, even narrowed my list of names. Come to find out 95% sure just wasn't good enough. He was wrong! He said, "Well, I did give myself 5% wiggle room".


We were shocked to find out there had been a change. The best surprise in the world!!! I actually hit the doctor on the arm and started laughing and crying when he told us the news. I couldn't stop for hours afterwards! We are totally excited about the change in plans! Now he says he is 100% of both. So without further ado....































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As you can guess, we were first told we were having two girls. I was a little bit disappointed when he told us the second was a girl, because I thought for sure it was a boy. You see, before I even had my first positive pregnancy test I had a dream that I was pregnant with twins...one was a boy and one was a girl. So, I was sure that was what I was going to have all along. Turns out my premonition was right. SO crazy the dreams pregnant women have!!
(Sorry it took me so long to post, but I have had a really bad head cold that moved to my chest, in addition to taking care of Ava, the blog didn't get much attention.)


Now I am back to the drawing board picking out names and trying to figure out the best way to decorate a nursery for a boy and a girl! The name part is actually more of a challenge. (I have a very hard to please husband!!)


The babies are already becoming very active. I feel the boy more often than the girl. Don't know if it is because he is more active or stronger. I have a feeling this is just a sign of things to come. I can also sometimes feel them with my hands. Already! I think because it is already so squished in there that they are getting pushed out against my stomach more. Totally crazy!! I still can't believe I have TWO babies growing inside of me!


They are both growing right on track...measuring the exact same. I will go back in two weeks for another sono. I pray things keep going so well with the babies growth and development. (And that we don't have any more changes!)


Can't wait to share the names and nursery once they are decided!





Jack and Sam said...

Twins, wow congrats! Ash didn't even tell me about that! That's so exciting!

opalessence said...

WHAT!?!?!? I DID NOT KNOW THIS UPDATE! Wow!! I am so happy for you!