Saturday, September 12, 2009

Special Visitors

Today Owen and Ella has some special people come to visit Mom and Grandfather drove up today from DFW. Is was special to have the babies first great grand parent come to see them!
Not much has changed with the babies. They are in their open crib and taking 40cc's of milk. Still not finishing all of their three bottles in the 24hr period which we need them to do in order to move to the next step-which will be bottle feeding every other feed. Still no weight gain either...hopefully that is right around the corner. Although, their weight isn't what is keeping them in the hospital-just their learning to feed.
In the waiting room getting ready for the first group of people to go back. My mom is signing to Ava "I Love You". I love Ava's face because she is just looking up in pure adoration. She LOVES LOVES LOVES my mom. Cries if they are separated for any amount of time when she comes to stay with us. ;)
In their new crib. Gives us SO much more space in their tiny little nook. Before Jamie and I were so squished trying to both fit back there once the curtain is drawn to block off our little spot.

Peacefully sleeping together.

Today they were swaddled together in the SAME blanket. It was the sweetest thing I have ever seen!! You could tell they were just SO content!! I hated to unwrap them to wake them up.

Hehehe...could they get any cuter??!!

Owen taking his teeny tiny bottle. He did great today and finished the whole thing!
Ella's turn to wake up. I had to snap a quick picture of her with her eyes open. Not sure if you have noticed the trend yet, but when we wake Owen up to eat he is wide awake. Will keep his eyes open the whole time. Girlfriend LOVES her beauty sleep. Hates to be woken up, and can barely keep her little eyes open when she is eating. Today she almost finished her bottle, but had to be tube fed the very last few cc's. She just couldn't keep herself awake...despite all of mommy's efforts.
Grandma Sher Sher and Owen. She got to feed him his last little bit of milk so I could start on Ella.
The special man of the hour-Great Granddaddy and Owen
Great Granddaddy and Ella. He was so happy to be there visiting with him. It was truly a special day!
I thought I would show you a few pictures from around the NICU. The ones I could take anyways. Here is where you scrub in for 3 minutes like you are going in to surgery before you are let back into where the babies are. Even your camera has to be wiped down before entry, and you have to use paper towels to touch and carry back any bags you are bringing back with you. Once you are back there, once you touch anything other than your baby you have to sanitize your hands. I usually end up using the foam hand sanitizer about 30 times when I am back there. Lets just say my hands are pretty dry. :)
Just outside the NICU is the Ronald McDonald Room. They offer snacks, drinks, two computers with internet access, a couch and 2 recliners for all of the parents with kids in the NICU. It is a very nice thing to have, and super convenient. With so much time spent up there I just think it was awesome they did this for parents!
Hoping to get a good report of the kiddos tomorrow. I really want the nurse to tell me that they finished all of their other two bottles from the feeds after we left. Don't know how much longer I can take my babies being away from me. I am not pregnant anymore, but sometimes I feel like I didn't have babies at all. When we are at home it is like life was before they were born-like nothing at all has changed. I REALLY want them here with me. I am holding up better than I EVER thought I could. Please keep praying that they come home soon!!


Brittany said...

Hang in there girl!! I can't imagine being home without your babies but God will continue to renew your strength, just keep asking!

Chris said...

I'll be praying they can come home soon. Ella sure does look a lot like Ava! Pretty girl!

Two Buckaroos said...

Hey Ral, so glad granddaddy was able to come down and see the babies. We spent the evening out with Heather, Stacey & Ross...ventured out to see Matt play at the Turkey Creek Grill. The band sounds REALLY good. Missed you! Stacey's ring is BEAUTIFUL and it was great to see 2 of the fab 5. Hopefully we'll get to come to see you SOON! Heading to Florida Wednesday for work, i'll have a lot of extra time to talk so plan on catching up. LOVE YOU!!